Someone Asks: Will My Eyelashes Grow Back?

 It happens so seldom that we rarely even notice when our eyelashes fall off. It may be really unsettling for those individuals who are affected by it.

When you see that a significant number of your eyelashes are coming out all at once, you may find that you are curious about whether or not they will ever come back. 

If you're like most people, you've probably chopped part of your eyelashes at some point and questioned the same thing.

So will my Eyelashes grow back and when will they start growing again? And what causes them to fall out in the first place? Continue reading to learn more about this.

How quickly do new eyelashes appear once they have been lost?

If the eyelash is cut or burnt and there is no damage to the follicle or eyelid, the eyelash will regrow within six weeks. This is the average amount of time it takes for the eyelash to grow back.

It may take your eyelash a longer amount of time to grow back if you pluck it out. This is because removing an eyelash from its natural position on the eyelid might make the process of replacing the eyelash take longer.

If you happen to have a great time and manage to pull an eyelash out towards the end of the telogen phase, you won't be disturbing the usual life cycle of that eyelash. However, if you don't have ideal timing, you will be.

When it comes to your eyelashes, how long does it take for them to grow?

The average lifetime of one eyelash ranges from four to eleven months. This indicates that the eyelashes will be replaced with new ones ranging from four months to eleven months after the treatment has been completed. The following are the three stages that comprise this life span:

  • The growth stage
  • The phase of deterioration.
  • Resting

The growth stage

This period lasts anywhere from four to ten weeks and is also referred to as the anagen phase. It is possible for an eyelash to grow anywhere from 0.12 to 0.14 millimeters every day.

Phase of deterioration

When you reach this stage, your eyelashes will have stopped growing. The hair follicles start to get smaller as the condition progresses. During this time, about two to three weeks, your lashes will cease developing.

In certain contexts, this stage is also referred to as the catagen phase.


This is the last stage in the development of an eyelash during its lifetime. During this stage, the eyelash will fall out and be replaced with a new one that will grow in its place. It may last anywhere from four to nine months at a time. In certain systems, this period is also referred to as the telogen phase.

What factors contribute to the loss of eyelashes?

It's not really something to worry about if you lose one eyelash once in a while. If, on the other hand, you find that you are losing a significant number of eyelashes, you may have underlying issues that need to be treated before your eyelashes may be recovered.

The loss of eyelashes may be caused by a number of factors, including the following:

Ailment related to the thyroid

The hormones known as thyroid hormones are produced by a gland that is known as the thyroid gland. Whether the gland generates an excessive amount of thyroid hormone or not enough, it may result in a number of different symptoms, including hair loss. 

Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism have been linked to a loss of eyelashes in certain patients. After the thyroid imbalance has been corrected, the lashes will often start to grow again.

Extensions of the lashes

The natural eyelashes are thickened and lengthened by the addition of synthetic strands called lash extensions, which are joined to the natural eyelashes using adhesive. However, they have the potential to harm your own natural eyelashes. Eyelashes that fall out as a consequence of having lash extensions applied will normally grow back within a few months.


According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, if the eyelashes are burnt but the hair follicles remain unharmed, the eyelashes will ultimately grow back within six weeks. On the other hand, if the hair follicles were also harmed, the eyelashes could not regrow at all.

Taking off the eyelashes by pulling on them

Some persons suffer from the psychiatric illness known as trichotillomania, which is characterized by compulsive hair-pulling behaviors. This impulse has the potential to influence hair in several parts of the body, including the eyelashes. If you've ever plucked out your lashes, you know how long it might take for them to grow back.


This drug is prescribed to patients in order to treat cancer. It is possible that this may cause your eyelashes to fall out. Chemotherapy medications have been linked to hair loss in certain patients.

However, not every medicine used to treat cancer might cause a loss of hair in certain patients. If you are receiving chemotherapy that is known to cause hair loss, it is possible that the chemotherapy will damage not just the hair on your scalp but also the hair on the rest of your body. The most frequent areas affected are the body hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes.

After patients finish receiving chemotherapy, their eyelashes will often begin growing back within a short period of time.

Alopecia areata

This is an autoimmune disorder in which the hair follicles are attacked by the body's immune system as a result of the condition. This disorder causes a loss of hair on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes, among other areas. However, there are therapies that may help lower the severity of the symptoms, however, a cure for this ailment is not yet available at this time.


This is an autoimmune illness that often causes inflammation in the skin and sometimes causes your hair, including your eyelashes and eyebrows, to become thinner and fall out. It may also cause inflammation in the body's internal organs.


A person's genetics might also play a role in their eyelashes falling out. If the elder members of your family have eyebrows and eyelashes that are thinning, it is extremely possible that you will suffer the same thing at some point in your life.


Your eyelashes could fall out if you take certain drugs, such as anticonvulsants, anticoagulants, or botulinum toxin injections.

Infections of the skin

The loss of eyelashes may be caused by a variety of infections, including bacterial, viral, and parasitic ones, such as mites or lice.


Eyelash loss may be a side effect of using certain kinds of cosmetics or going through certain beauty procedures. It is possible for you to lose all of your eyelashes if you use curlers, eyelash extensions, magnetic eyelashes, or mascara that has not been replenished regularly enough.

How can you stop your eyelashes from falling out before their time?

  • Remove any traces of eye makeup before going to bed.
  • Make an effort to avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • Maintain a regular cleaning schedule for your makeup products.

Is there any way to stimulate the growth of my eyelashes?

It is possible to hasten the process of your eyelashes growing back lost or damaged ones. In order to hasten the process of regeneration, you might try some of the following solutions.

Using castor oil as a treatment

Providing conditioning to lash hair with oils such as castor oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil will enhance the elasticity of the hair fiber and make lash hair more manageable.

Adopting a nutritious eating pattern

It is recommended that you include eggs in your diet since they are abundant in both protein and biotin, both of which are known to aid in the development of hair.

Eating vegetables like spinach, which are high in iron, is another option for increasing the amount of iron in your diet. Some foods, such as almonds, sweet potatoes, and fatty fish, have been shown to stimulate the development of new hair. Consuming them may hasten the process of regrowing lost tissue.

Vitamin supplements

Increasing your intake of vitamins like vitamin H and vitamin B may hasten the growth of your eyelashes.

I've noticed that my eyelashes are falling off. Is there anything I can do?

There are a variety of treatments available for those who are experiencing a loss of eyelashes. Among them are a few examples:

  • Remove your mascara
  • Maintaining the hygiene of your eyes
  • Put some oil on your eyelashes.
  • Take steps to alleviate the level of stress in your life. You may do this by participating in enjoyable activities.
  • Adopting a nutritious eating pattern

Conclusion on "Will My Eyelashes Grow Back?"

The gradual loss of eyelashes is a perfectly normal occurrence, and new ones will ultimately develop in their place. In addition to this, it may be brought on by certain health issues as well as lifestyle decisions.

The length of time it will take for your eyelashes to come back can vary depending on the reason for your eyelash loss; however, the average amount of time it takes for eyelashes to grow back is around six weeks.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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