Learn How To Stay Cool While Sleeping

 The management of your body temperature throughout the night may not be the most exciting topic of discussion, but it turns out to be quite crucial to both your health and your wellbeing.

There is a range of factors that might contribute to a person sleeping hot, including anxiety, the use of certain medications, and a number of other medical issues. 

Not only does this result in discomfort that makes it more difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep, but a large body of research reveals that human sleep cycles are tightly associated with the body's ability to regulate temperature. An individual's circadian rhythm might be thrown off if they are too hot at night, which can make it difficult for them to fall or stay asleep.

Even if you have a history of sleeping heated, there is still a chance that you may get a good night's rest. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss a number of probable triggers for nighttime hyperthermia. After that, we'll go through a number of tried-and-true suggestions that help you learn How To Stay Cool While Sleeping throughout the year.

Is there any good explanation for sleeping hot?

Surprise is often the simplest and most direct reason for hot sleep. Temperatures are in the warm range. The majority of us, especially those who do not have the luxury of air conditioning, have had the unpleasant experience of trying to sleep during the hottest part of the summer while sleeping on our backs on top of our covers. 

However, the temperature of the room is not the only factor that might influence how hot you sleep at night. The following are some more potential causes of the overnight temperature spikes that have been seen recently:


Sweating may be a symptom of anxiety and disorders related to anxiety, such as panic disorder, and can occur both during the day and at night. Night sweats are a common symptom of stress and concern, which may affect anybody, regardless of whether or not they have been clinically diagnosed with an anxiety condition. If you are one of the many individuals who battle with stress and/or anxiety on a daily basis, you may want to think about including some emotional health tools into your nighttime routine.

Sweats in the Night

Night sweats, to describe the condition in its most basic form, are characterized by excessive sweating during sleep. This is the broad definition of the phrase. Those who have night sweats may wake up drenched in perspiration that has penetrated their pajamas and/or bedding. This is a common occurrence for people who have night sweats. It should come as no surprise that the severity of night sweats may prompt wakeups in the middle of the night and impair sleep.

Sweating during sleep is caused by the expansion and subsequent contraction of blood vessels throughout the body. This results in an increase in blood flow. As a direct consequence of this, a rapid wave of heat will spread throughout the body. Sweating throughout the night is often accompanied by flushing of the skin and a racing pulse.

Some of the conditions and circumstances that can cause night sweats include hot weather, an excessively warm bedroom or bedding, perimenopause, menopause, illness, and infection, hormonal diseases, neurological disorders, substance abuse, anxiety and panic disorder, cancer, obstructive sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, tuberculosis, and HIV. In the paragraphs that follow, several of these qualities will be discussed in more depth than they have been thus far.

Infection Caused by a Cold or the Flu

Night sweats are one of the many unpleasant symptoms that may be caused by viral illnesses such as the common cold or the flu. This might be the result of a soaring temperature or the immunological reaction that the body is having to an illness. When paired with other symptoms of a cold or the flu, night sweats may make it difficult to get the adequate amount of rest that is important for recovery from an illness.


The condition known as hyperthyroidism, which is caused by an imbalance of the hormone known as the thyroid hormone, influences not only a person's metabolism and heart rate, but also their cholesterol levels, energy levels, bone health, menstrual cycles, mood, and the amount of sleep that they receive. Sweating, a higher than normal body temperature, and enhanced sensitivity to heat are possible side effects of hyperthyroidism. It may be difficult to unwind at night and obtain a good night's sleep due to the many different elements that are at play.


Diabetes patients have an increased risk of developing a condition known as nocturnal hypoglycemia, in which their blood glucose levels drop to dangerously low levels as they sleep. This might cause a person to feel hot, clammy, and/or sweating depending on how it affects them. In addition to this, it is known to bring on feelings of irritation and restlessness. The combination of all of these things might make it difficult to obtain a good night's rest.


In most cases, menopause is known to lower the quality of sleep and cause a variety of sleep problems. This might be the result of a number of different things, such as swings in hormone levels, overnight hot flushes, or perspiration. These hot flashes cause the body to become very heated, which may wake a person up in the middle of the night and reduce the quality of their sleep.

Sleep Apnea

One of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea is nighttime perspiration. According to the findings of research that was conducted in 2013, those who had untreated obstructive sleep apnea were shown to be three times more likely to develop night sweats than those who did not have OSA. One of the various ways in which sleep apnea may make it more difficult to acquire excellent sleep is by increasing the risk of overheating.


A broad variety of drugs, such as those used to treat migraines, breast cancer, or heartburn, as well as asthma inhalers, have been linked to causing nighttime overheating in some people. Additional drugs that could cause nighttime sweating to include the following:

  • Antidepressants. There are many different kinds of antidepressants, and each of them has the potential to cause perspiration and cause the body to become overheated. In particular, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have an effect on the hypothalamus, which is the region of the brain that is in charge of determining the temperature of the core of the body at which sweating begins. This might cause an abnormally high amount of perspiration.
  • Steroids. Steroid medications, such as cortisone and prednisone, which are available only with a doctor's prescription are yet another prevalent cause of night sweats.
  • Ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen are the three medications. Pain medications available over-the-counter operate by expanding blood vessels, which in turn allows heat to be released via the skin. Although it may bring down a temperature, this may also cause you to sweat.
  • Medications that bring about a lower level of blood sugar. Many diabetes treatments function by affecting the patient's blood sugar levels. The majority of people who go through that procedure report that it causes them to sweat.
  • Drugs used in hormone treatment. Nighttime sweating is a potential side effect of several medications used in hormone therapy, including those that are used in the treatment of menopausal symptoms.

Learn How To Stay Cool While Sleeping When It's Sweltering Outside

Do you reside in an area where the temperature is consistently high? Can't take the heat of the summer? When the temperatures outdoors are rising, here are several ways that you may sleep comfortably.

Put a stop to the sun.

In most cases, being exposed to natural sunshine is going to be beneficial. When it comes to the temperature in your bedroom, though, you should think twice about allowing the sun to burn the room all day long. By keeping the blinds closed or using blackout curtains, you can maintain a comfortable temperature in your bedroom throughout the day and night.

Bring the temperature down in your bedroom.

Temperatures in the range of 59 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit are considered to be the most comfortable for sleeping. It is important to keep in mind that this is not a precise range; the temperature that feels just right in a person's bedroom will be somewhat different for each individual. If it is very warm outside, you will certainly want the assistance of an air conditioner or fans in order to bring the temperature down in your bedroom.

Cotton clothes should be worn since it is light and breathable.

Because cotton clothing has an open weave that enables air to travel through, it is a wonderful option for wearing on hot evenings because it will keep you cool. Invest in pajamas made entirely of cotton to keep you cool as you sleep, and choose pajamas with a relaxed fit for even more breathability. If it doesn't work, you may want to try sleeping without clothes on. Stay away from garments made of synthetic materials if you don't want to become too hot.

Put away all electronic devices inside the bedroom.

Electronic devices like TVs, computers, and other appliances all need the power to function and give out heat. In point of fact, a single laptop has the potential to produce around 50 watts of heat. When combined with the heat produced by your other electrical devices, it is possible for this to have a significant influence on the overall temperature of your bedroom. An additional advantage of turning off all electrical devices in the bedroom The blue light emitted by these devices, which has been known to disrupt circadian rhythms, will not prevent you from falling asleep.

Reduce the factors that cause perspiration.

Consuming alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, hot drinks, or meals that are very spicy may all lead to overheating throughout the night. If you want to lower your risk of overheating while you sleep, you should steer clear of these drugs in the hours preceding up to the night or give them up entirely.

Use a cushion that can chill you down.

Certain pillows have been developed specifically to promote a more comfortable and cool night's sleep. There are many different types of cooling materials that are used in different types of cooling pillows. Some of these cooling materials include vented fillings, moisture-wicking textiles, cooling infusions, and phase change material technologies.

Avoid afternoon naps.

Because our bodies have to use more energy to maintain their internal temperature when the temperature outside is high, persons who are exposed to hot weather may experience feelings of lethargy throughout the day. 

This might make it very tempting to take a nap in the middle of the day. If, on the other hand, you discover that you have trouble falling or staying asleep at night, it may be beneficial to refrain from taking naps during the day. If you want to improve your chances of sleeping through the night, hold off on giving in to the need to nap until you're in bed.

Make use of bedding that might assist keep you cool.

Altering the kind of bedding you use to sleep in so that it does not actively work to keep you cool throughout the course of the night will help ease some of these issues, and may even solve them entirely. If you find that the heat makes it difficult for you to fall asleep, you may want to think about investing in a cooling comforter, a cooling weighted blanket, or cooling sheets.

Fed up? Use an ice pack on the area.

If you've tried the recommendations that were given above and you're still having trouble sleeping due to the heat, you could find some comfort by placing your head in the freezer. To assist your body in cooling down more rapidly, use an ice pack on sweaty places such as the wrists, the back of the knees, the neck, and other similar locations. 

Make sure that you don't use an ice pack for more than 10 minutes at a time at any one moment. You could also put an ice pack beneath your pillow, let it stay for a while, and then turn the pillow over so that the cool side is facing up and you can lay your face on it. Is there any other choice? Place cold washcloths over your neck and/or around your wrists.

We recommend that you try out the Bedjet Climate Comfort System.

The Bedjet unit is a one-of-a-kind gadget that blows a stream of cold air directly onto the mattress of your bed to assist in the cooling process. You may also use the Bedjet to warm up the bed throughout the colder months of the year. Use it in conjunction with your existing bedding or the Bedjet AirComforter.

Suggestions to Keep Your Bedroom Cool All Year 

Even though it is cooler outdoors, it is still possible to become too hot when you are sleeping in bed. Make use of these helpful methods to maintain a comfortable temperature during the night, 365 days a year.

Make the room less bright.

If you want your bedroom to keep cool throughout the winter months as well as the summer months, you should block the sunlight that comes into the area. Install drapes that completely block off the light, and/or keep the blinds drawn throughout the day. Also, give some thought to the fabric that your window coverings are made of. According to the findings of several studies, drapes of a medium hue with a white plastic backing may help reduce temperature rises inside.

Turn down the temperature in the bedroom.

A chilly bedroom makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, regardless of how hot it is outside. Maintaining a temperature range of 59 to 66 degrees Fahrenheit in the bedroom is recommended, just as it is during the warmer months. It's possible that you'll want the assistance of a fan or an air conditioner in order to reach this temperature. Alternately, if it is chilly outside, you may want to try leaving a window slightly ajar to enable some fresh air to flow within the room.

Make use of a mattress pad that has a cooling effect.

If your mattress has a tendency to sleep hot, as is the case with many foam mattresses, then you may want to consider adding a cooling mattress topper to create a more pleasant resting surface. This is especially true if your mattress is made of foam. You might even increase the ante and get a cooling mattress that is developed expressly for those who tend to sleep overheated.

Put some ice on your feet.

Bringing the temperature of your skin and body as a whole down quickly may be accomplished by first cooling your feet. If you want to maintain a comfortable body temperature while you sleep, removing your socks is a smart move. 

If you need a little extra help falling asleep, put a pair of socks in the refrigerator or freezer for a few hours in the hours leading up to the night. Once you get into bed, put on the chilly socks and let them stay on for a while. This may have a prompt cooling effect on your body temperature and lessen the likelihood that you will get overheated.

Before you go to sleep, draw yourself a hot bath.

It may be helpful to take a warm bath before night to help you relax, which will make it easier for you to fall asleep after you've made it into bed. It might help you sleep even better by bringing down the temperature of your body. How exactly can drinking warm water make you feel more refreshed? It's due to the changes that take place in your body as you step out of the shower or bath. 

Your core temperature will increase as a result of being in a warm environment, such as a bath. As soon as you emerge from the core, the temperature begins to rapidly fall. Because this treatment has a sedative impact on the body, it might make patients feel tired and make it easier for them to drift off to dreamland. The importance of taking baths cannot be overstated; taking a shower will not have the same results since the body's core will not be submerged in warm water during the shower.

Make any necessary adjustments.

If the source of your night sweats is a medicine, it may be beneficial to discuss with your physician the possibility of modifying either your dose, the time of day at which you take the prescription, or the specific substance in the issue. Do not make any modifications to your drug schedule without first discussing them with a qualified medical expert. On the other hand, do not be afraid to advocate for yourself if your current medication schedule is preventing you from getting enough sleep.

Be sure to stay hydrated.

Consuming a large amount of water during the day might help one have a better night's sleep. This is the case for a few reasons, namely: Drinking cold water may help decrease body temperature and make it easier to go asleep and stay asleep. Adequate hydration lowers the risk of headaches, muscular cramps, and dry mouth, all of which can make it more difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep.

Because of this, it is recommended that you have a glass of ice water next to your bed at all times. If you wake up in the middle of the night because you are overheated, take a few sips of water before turning off the light. Be careful to keep your focus on the water. Because caffeine and alcohol are known to make night sweats worse, you should avoid drinking anything that contains any of these drugs before going to bed.

Conclusion on "How To Stay Cool While Sleeping"

There are a number of factors that might contribute to a person sleeping hot, including illness, anxiety, drugs, or even just plain high temperatures. Overheating throughout the night may make it difficult for a person to go asleep and keep themselves asleep, regardless of the reason.

It is essential to develop habits that enable you to maintain a constant core temperature throughout the night if you want to make sure that you get the restful sleep that both your body and your mind need. The temperature in the bedroom should be decreased, air-permeable clothing can be worn to bed, a cooling mattress can be obtained, and the feet should be cooled down before bed. Additionally, hot meals and drinks should be avoided just before turning in for the night.

If you have tried all of the solutions described above and are still having trouble with sleeping hot, it is highly recommended that you see a medical professional. Frequent night sweats may be an indication that there is a more serious underlying health problem. The management of the underlying cause of your night sweats might be improved via the process of getting a diagnosis, which would in turn lead to improved sleep and general health.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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