Even if you are relocating to Denver or are currently a resident of Denver, there are some particular sites that your family will want to visit time and time again. Rather than paying the full entrance cost each time your children request to return, consider purchasing a season pass or a family membership that lets your family attend as many times as you like during the year.
Not only will these save you money in the long run, but they will also provide your family with the opportunity to create lifelong memories as a result of their participation. Furthermore, they make wonderful gifts!
1. Memberships to the Butterfly Pavilion and the Children's Museum of Denver are available for a discounted rate.
The dual membership to the Butterfly Pavilion and the Children's Museum of Denver is one of the most affordable options for families in Denver. Your family will have daily access to both museums if you acquire a dual membership. You will also receive all of the other membership perks, such as reduced admission costs for guests.
2. Denver Zoo (Denver, Colorado)
The Denver Zoo is more than just an excellent place to get up close and personal with all various types of animals; it is also a sight to behold. It also got the first-ever Green Award for being the greenest zoo in the country, which was presented to it in 2013. Aside from that, you can rest assured that your money will be used to support an incredible zoo and all of the money it invests in animal conservation projects.
3. The Denver Museum of Nature and Science
This year, the Denver Museum of Nature and Science was named the best museum in Denver, indicating that it is well-regarded by the community. Featuring numerous levels and exhibits, this excellent museum will keep you and your family occupied for several hours. A membership is a must-have for every family living in Denver.
4. Elitch Gardens is a botanical garden in the county of Elitch.
Season passes to Elitch Gardens, which includes both a theme park and a waterpark, are recommended for thrill-seeking families. Purchasing a season pass entitles you to the daily entrance, as well as access to the Fright Fest event throughout October.
If you're relocating to Denver, these memberships and the Bellhops Guide to Denver will provide you with everything you need to feel at home right away.
Elitch Gardens Tickets at a Discount from Online Tickets Brokers
In actuality, purchasing Elitches tickets online prior to going to the show can always result in a lower price. Adult tickets are $34.99 online (kids tickets are still $31.99). Even so, two visits can cost up to $70. Technically, you would only break even if you traveled twice.
Season passes for the Elitches, on the other hand, come with a number of valuable extras. The most significant perk is free parking. Many people know how to park for free and walk to the park, but why bother? If you are already breaking even after just two trips, you might as well get a pass, which will also provide you with free parking. Simply show your pass to the man at the ticket booth, and he will wave you in. Right there, you've saved yourself $15. (Parking was only $10 per car last season, so you'll save even more money this year.)
We visited there five or six times last year. The free parking alone covered the cost of one of our season passes.
You do receive three "bring a friend" tickets, but only one of them is valid on weekends. The other two must be utilized during the week or in September.
You also get a coupon book, although we never ended up using any of the coupons.
The one great item that we did make use of was a complimentary drink bottle. Every time you use the bottle, you can refill it with soda for just 99 cents, which is a very good deal in a place where everything else is priced like an amusement park.
With an Elitches Season Pass, you can visit the park more frequently.
Obviously, if you're coming in from out of town to visit Denver and dine at Elitch's, a season pass isn't going to be as useful to you. However, if you find yourself in Denver on a frequent basis, one of the benefits of purchasing a season pass is that it transforms Elitches into something you can do for fun for a few hours rather than something you have to do from dawn to dark in order to get your money's worth.
With free parking and admittance, you can literally show up at 2:00 pm, ride a few of your favorite attractions, take a spin on the Ferris wheel, and then head out to dinner. A free afternoon of entertainment at what would otherwise be an expensive attraction. It was these fast afternoon and early morning visits that persuaded us to renew our season passes for another year. It was that, and the fact that our 5-year-old was counting down the days until he could go on the "ghost ride" again.
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