Why having sharp stabbing pain in knee comes and goes?

 One of the most essential joints in the body is the knee. Because of your age and the motions you do on a daily basis, your knees may be subjected to a great deal of stress, which may result in severe discomfort felt in the knees.

The discomfort felt in the knee might suddenly appear and go at any moment with no prior warning or indication.

You will learn in this article what causes intense pain in the knee that comes and goes, how to cure it, and how to even prevent it from occurring in the first place.

What kinds of things put your knees at risk for problems?

Knee issues are more likely to occur in those who are obese or have a high body mass index. This is due to the fact that carrying around extra weight puts a significant amount of strain on the joints of your knees. Because it hastens the degeneration of joint cartilage, it also raises the likelihood that you will get osteoarthritis.

Knee injuries may be more likely to occur in those who lack both strength and flexibility. Both having strong muscles and being flexible in your muscles will help you accomplish your complete range of motion. Strong muscles serve to secure and protect your joints.

Having a history of injuries might also put you at a greater risk of developing knee difficulties in the future. Because of the weakness in your knee, the fact that you have already had a knee injury makes it more probable that you will have another knee injury in the future.

Knee pain is a common complaint among those who participate in physically demanding hobbies or work jobs. Jumping is required in a variety of sports, such as basketball and football; nevertheless, doing so on a regular basis might raise the likelihood that you will have a knee injury. Participating in tasks such as construction or farming that place constant and recurrent stress on the knees may also put you at an increased risk for developing knee osteoarthritis.

Reasons for piercing and stabbing pain in the knee

There are a wide variety of potential explanations for pain that suddenly appears in the knee and then disappears, some of which will be covered further down in this article.

Runner's knee

The origin of this discomfort in the knee is most often found in the regions behind or around the knee cap. Adults are the most likely to suffer from this illness.

Pain behind the kneecap, particularly in the region of the joint where the thighbone and the knee connect, is one of the signs that you may have this problem (thigh bone). Popping or grinding sounds may sometimes be heard in the knees when the runner's knee is present.


Tendinitis is the medical term for a condition that describes tendonitis, which is an inflammation and swelling of the tendon. Your joints would not be able to move without the assistance of the tendons, which are attached to your bones.

Your tendons might get irritated and swollen if you engage in activities that are repetitive in nature, such as walking and jogging. This can lead to tendonitis.

When you have tendinitis in your knee, you may also feel a pain that is described as being like needles being stabbed into your knee. It is possible that you may be unable to move the afflicted joint until you have given it time to rest.

Torn ligament

Your bones are connected to your knee cap via the ligaments in your knee. In the event that one of your ligaments has been torn, you will most likely hear a popping sound, which will then be followed by swelling.

Additionally, this is accompanied by significant knee pain that might be present or absent at any given time.

Without the support of a brace, you will find that your range of motion is severely limited. Athletes are especially susceptible to tearing their ligaments.

Knee bursitis

This is another factor that contributes to severe knee discomfort. Knee bursae are small sacs that are hollow and filled with fluid that is located around the knee.

By lowering the amount of pressure and friction placed on the structures of the knee, they make it easier for the tendons and muscles to move. A sudden and severe discomfort in the knee may be the consequence of inflammation of the bursa.


In addition, fractures of the knee may cause abrupt, severe pain in the knee that comes on and off at random intervals. A tibial plateau fracture is a name given to a break in the shinbone that also involves the kneecap. This kind of break is rather common.

One of the symptoms of this kind of fracture is the inability to move the affected joints, as well as swelling and severe discomfort.

A distal fracture is yet another classification of fracture. This particular fracture affects the kneecap and the bottom part of the thigh, and its symptoms are comparable to those of the tibial plateau fracture.

Intense pain and swelling are two symptoms that might be brought on by a shattered kneecap. Traumatic injuries and falls are the most common factors that lead to fractures.


This particular kind of arthritis is brought on by the gradual breakdown of cartilage, the flexible and protecting tissue that covers the ends of bones.

Your joints are subjected to inconsequential but potentially ongoing harm while you go about your daily routine. However, in the vast majority of instances, your body is able to heal the damage, and you may not have any symptoms as a result.

On the other hand, the wear and tear on the cartilage that characterizes osteoarthritis develop slowly but steadily throughout the course of the disease's progression.

Signs that osteoarthritis is starting to develop in the knee include pain, soreness, and swelling in that joint. In the vast majority of situations, the discomfort in your knee will not abruptly appear. The likelihood is high that it will induce discomfort that progressively worsens over time.

Although osteoarthritis may manifest itself in just one knee at a time, the condition often manifests in both knees. A higher chance of developing osteoarthritis is associated with factors such as becoming older, being overweight or obese, being a woman, having a joint injury, and so on.

Injured meniscus

Menisci often referred to as articular discs, are crescent-shaped pads that are located between the articular surfaces of the bones in your knee. Menisci are also known as articular cartilage. An injury, most often sustained in sports that require twisting and bending of the knee, may tear the menisci.

When anything like this occurs, there is sudden, severe pain, and within a few hours, there is also swelling. If the tear is significant, the knee that is affected may be painful and may get stuck in a flexed position. This ailment usually only affects one knee at a time when it does occur.

Arthritis caused by an infection

An acute type of arthritis known as infectious arthritis is caused by infected fluid that surrounds one or more of the joint's cartilage and bone surfaces. If treatment is not received, the condition may become more severe.

Septic arthritis is considered a medical emergency that requires emergency or rapid surgery. If you suddenly get acute joint pain, especially in one knee, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician.

Your likelihood of developing infectious arthritis is increased if you have a preexisting condition like arthritis or gout, a history of sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, or an impaired immune system.


The accumulation of uric acid in the body is what leads to the disease known as gout. The acid will most often build in your feet, but it may also harm both of your knees. It is more prevalent in men and women who have passed menopause and are of middle age.

This illness causes a significant amount of discomfort as well as a lot of edemata. Gout is characterized by attacks that may last anywhere from a few hours to many days at a time.

If your knees have never hurt before, but all of a sudden they start hurting, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician since this might be an indication that you have gout.

Treatment for discomfort that feels like needles being stabbed into the knee

The therapy for knee pain is determined by the underlying reason for the discomfort. For instance, the treatment for a fracture will be distinct from the treatment for tendinitis, runner's knee, gout, and bursitis.

If you have broken bones in your knee, you may need to wear a splint to keep it stable while the bones mend. If the fracture is very serious, you may need surgery, after which you will be fitted with a splint and undergo physical therapy.

The use of an ice pack is a therapeutic option for tendinitis, runner's knee, bursitis, and gout. This helps to bring down any associated swelling. In addition to this, the injured joint has to be raised.

Alterations to one's lifestyle, such as the use of protective knee pads and participation in physical therapy, are two examples of the kinds of things that may be done to alleviate discomfort and experience fewer symptoms.

Conclusion on "Sharp stabbing pain in knee comes and goes"

Pain in the knee that is described as being sharp and stabbing and that comes and goes might be the consequence of a traumatic injury or a health condition such as tendinitis, runner's knee, or another ailment. 

If you see the beginning stages of this condition, you should make an effort to treat it right away so that it doesn't progress to a more serious level.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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