Q: Why do I feel nauseous when I have to poop?

 There are a variety of potential reasons why one could have nausea when they are about to poop. The sensation of being sick to one's stomach is known as nausea. It is possible for it to leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth as well as the need to throw up.

Constipation may cause a person to feel sick to their stomach when they defecate. Because stool builds up in your intestines, it may enable food to linger in your stomach, which can contribute to sensations of bloating and nausea. 

This can cause you to feel nauseous when you have to poop, which is why constipation can cause you to feel nauseous when you have to poop. When you have to go to the bathroom, an imbalance in the bacteria in your stomach might also cause you to feel sick.

We are going to answer your question about "Why do I feel nauseous when I have to poop?" and you will learn why you get queasy whenever you have to go to the bathroom and whether or not there are any solutions to this problem or strategies to stop it from happening in the first place as you read through this article.

What exactly is a queasy stomach? What's Nausea?

It is a sense of being ill, sometimes accompanied by the need to throw up. There are several potential reasons for nausea, some of which are not related to an underlying condition. Some causes of motion nausea include riding in a vehicle or airplane, taking medicines on an empty stomach, eating too much or too little, or taking certain medications on an empty stomach.

Why do I feel nauseous when I have to poop?

This occurrence has a wide range of interpretations. such as constipation, food intolerance, and food poisoning, but not limited to these.

The most common reasons for feeling sick when you have to go to the bathroom are listed below.

Digestive difficulties

Irritable bowel syndrome (commonly known as IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (also known as IBD) are two examples of digestive conditions that often bring on feelings of nausea. Those who are afflicted with this condition have mentioned that nausea is one of the first sensations they encounter once they feel the need to defecate.

Acid reflux

This is a frequent condition affecting the digestive system. The irritation of the lining of the food pipe by stomach acid or bile is the primary symptom of acid reflux disease, a digestive condition. 

This is a debilitating condition that may last for years and develops when stomach acid or bile leaks into the esophagus and irritate the lining. Nausea is a common side effect of heartburn, which is a significant symptom of acid reflux. Heartburn starts in the chest and progresses towards the mouth.


Some drugs can potentially make a person feel sick to their stomach. When you need to go to the bathroom, many medications, including antidepressants, powerful painkillers, and certain allergy pills, might make you feel sick to your stomach.

Poisoning from food

There is one symptom of food poisoning that is common to all victims, and that is nausea. The other symptoms of food poisoning might vary from person to person. The length of time that passes before you begin to experience symptoms of food poisoning is directly proportional to the kind of food poisoning that you have.

After consuming the potentially infected food, you may have symptoms anywhere from thirty minutes to a week later. Food poisoning may be caused by undercooked foods such as meat and poultry, infected fruits and vegetables, and raw seafood. When one has food poisoning, one will also have diarrhea in addition to nausea.

Obstruction of the bowels

Obstruction of the bowel or the digestive tract happens when there is a blockage in the colon that prevents feces from passing through. If there are feces that are still present in your system, you may have feelings of nausea as a result.

Intestinal blockages may also cause other symptoms, such as discomfort in the abdomen, vomiting, and swelling in the abdominal region. Crohn's disease may cause inflammation in the intestines, which can lead to blockages in the intestines as well as infections such as diverticulitis.


Stomach distention and bloating might be the result of constipation, which happens when feces continues to sit in the colon for an extended period of time. This causes an increase of germs in your colon, which in turn causes you to feel sick to your stomach. 

The inability to pass feces more often than three times per week is the primary sign that someone has constipation. It is also possible to have straining when passing stool, to have lumpy or difficult to pass stools or to need the use of your fingers to extract stools from your anus.


Stress is a contributing factor in the experience of feeling sick just before you have to defecate. Your body will secrete hormones in response to stress, and these hormones will have a detrimental effect on your digestive tract. Because of this, you may suffer nausea as well as cramping in your abdominal region when food travels through your body more slowly.

Inactivity during the day

As opposed to an active lifestyle, a sedentary lifestyle is one in which very little or no physical activity and exercise is done at all. An active lifestyle is the opposite of a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle may contribute to severe constipation, which can ultimately lead to nausea if left untreated.

Participating in regular physical activity may assist in maintaining appropriate muscle contractions in the intestines. Because of this, feces have an easier time moving through the bowels.

Intolerance of certain foods

Food intolerance is the condition that occurs when a person's body is unable to process large quantities of a certain kind of food. Sensitivity to certain foods might cause you to experience persistent nausea. Consuming food that is very deficient in fiber and fluid may lead to constipation, which in turn can produce nausea.

After consuming an excessive amount of processed meals, some persons, like other people, experience nausea. Nausea is more likely to be brought on by lactose, fructose, and processed sweeteners when someone has a food intolerance.


The majority of pregnant women have morning sickness during their first trimester, which is characterized by feelings of nausea and vomiting. Even though it's often called "morning sickness," it may really strike at any moment of the day. It is sometimes one of the first symptoms that a pregnancy is developing.


Dehydration is a condition that occurs when an abnormally large amount of fluid is lost from the body. This causes the consistency of your feces to become more solid. When there is not enough water in your body and intestines, you may have diarrhea that is dry and hard. Intestinal transit may be slowed down by a lack of fluids, making it more difficult for food or waste to be eliminated.

Dehydration may cause a variety of symptoms, including nausea, bloating and gas, and a slowdown in bowel movement.

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

Ketoacidosis, often known as diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA, is a potentially fatal consequence of type 1 diabetes. When a person with diabetes has dangerously low amounts of insulin in their blood, they might develop a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis may present itself with a variety of symptoms, including dehydration, stomach discomfort, disorientation, nausea, and vomiting

How is nausea best treated?

The therapy that is given to one individual for their nausea may not be the same treatment that is administered to another person for their nausea. Here are several treatments available for nausea:

  • Increasing the amount of physical activity you do may help relieve constipation.
  • Consume a lot of water or other fluids to assist avoid being dehydrated.
  • There are certain drugs that may assist in the treatment of nausea.
  • Drink some ginger tea. Ginger has been shown in a number of trials to be an efficient and cost-effective therapy for nausea.
  • Make sure you are sitting up straight to prevent squeezing your stomach, particularly after you have eaten.
  • A heating pad should be applied to the area of your stomach. This may help relax the muscles in your stomach and reduce any nausea you may be experiencing.
  • The back of your neck will feel better when you apply a cold compress to it.

The main point to be gained from reading this article

There are a lot of potential reasons why you could feel sick after you defecate. It is essential to discover the specific reason in order to know the most effective medication to take for it (nausea can be easily treated), which will allow you to treat it appropriately (nausea can be easily treated).

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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