What is the difference between a notebook and a laptop?

 If you've been looking into purchasing an affordable laptop, you've most likely run across a bewilderingly large number of different alternatives to choose from.

One of them will likely be a notebook computer, which, in most cases, is included along with all of the other types of laptops, with not much of a distinction made between the two types of devices.

And the ordinary individual probably has no clue what a notebook is or how it is different from a laptop. Notebooks are not as common as laptops these days. People often think of notebook PCs as being very distinct from laptops.

The good news is that there isn't really that much of a difference between the two, and it's not too difficult to explain why. So, without further ado, let's have a look at how you can tell the difference between a notebook and a laptop without any problems.

So what is the difference between a notebook and a laptop?

To express it in the simplest terms possible, a laptop is always a notebook, but a notebook is not necessarily a laptop. Notebooks are often defined as laptops that weigh less than three or four pounds and have a thickness of only two to three inches. 

In addition to this, the display of notebook computers is typically much smaller than that of desktop computers, measuring just 10 or 11 inches across the diagonal.

Concerning a notepad, on the other hand, absolutely nothing is fixed in stone. The fact is that there is no agreed-upon definition of a laptop or a notebook computer. 

Both terms are often used interchangeably. If they do want, any business may market their latest portable computing device as a notebook instead of a laptop.

Convenience is the primary factor that influences a person's decision to purchase a notebook rather than a laptop computer. It's not necessary for everyone to have a huge screen or a big keyboard in order to get their job done, particularly if you aren't utilizing your device for business-related activities.

They often weigh relatively little and have a very tiny footprint, making them ideal for toting about in a bag or stowing away in a backpack. 

But to go into more depth, what distinguishes a notebook from a laptop in terms of its components and capabilities? So, without further ado, here are some of the requirements that the majority of notebooks satisfy.

What Makes a Notebook Different from a Laptop?

The primary characteristics that differentiate notebook computers from laptops are as follows:


As was previously noted, the size of the device is another important distinction to make between a notebook and a laptop. The majority of portable computers that are referred to as notebooks weigh anything from 3 to 5 pounds.


Screen sizes on laptops typically vary from 10 to 17 inches, however, some models have screens that are less or bigger. However, these are the most popular screen sizes.

The standard screen size for a laptop is 13 inches or more, whereas the screen size of a notebook is normally no more than 12 inches. Even though this isn't an exact description, if anything is described as having a notebook style, it's probably relatively compact and portable, even if this isn't a requirement.

RAM, in addition to computing power

In most cases, a laptop computer will have a memory or RAM capacity of 4 gigabytes. In the past, this was less than 2 gigabytes (GB), but currently, all newly released products will come with 4 GB of RAM. This is because this is the amount of power that the vast majority of people need. If at all possible, you should try to stay to 4 GB or more.

These days, laptops may also come with 4 gigabytes of random access memory (RAM), although in general, the basic model of luxury laptops will have 8 gigabytes of RAM. In addition, during the next several years, we will most likely be moving up to 16 gigabytes of random access memory (RAM) as the new standard.

In addition to the amount of random access memory (RAM), the processing capability of your laptop will most likely be severely reduced. Due to the limited processing capability of laptop computers, running many applications at the same time may be a challenging proposition.


If you are searching for a laptop that is very affordable, you may want to consider purchasing a notebook computer instead of a traditional desktop computer. Although this does not rule out the possibility of finding laptops with cheaper prices, in general, notebooks are more affordable purchases.

In comparison to more costly laptop computers, they often make use of components that are both cheaper and smaller.


Notebooks are not produced by every company in the world. Some of them may come up with something that might be described by someone else as a notebook, but they could wind up naming it something else in the end.

One device that exemplifies this concept is a netbook, which is a notebook that has been shrunk down even more. However, not everyone makes use of the name "netbook," and ASUS has their own product called a "Winbook," which simply denotes that the portable computer in question runs the Windows operating system.

Cooling system

It is essential for bigger laptops and computers to have a robust cooling system since this is the only way to prevent the internal components of the device from being overheated. When the CPU in your laptop or desktop computer begins to work too hard, you will require an internal cooling fan for both types of computers.

Notebooks do not need this, nor are they even capable of accommodating it owing to their small size. Since the majority of laptops only have a moderate amount of processing power, we do not really need to be concerned with a complete elaborate cooling system.

Laptop versus Notebook - Why a laptop is better

The majority of individuals are going to find that purchasing a laptop rather than a notebook computer is the best decision they could make. There are many distinct explanations for this phenomenon.

The screen on a laptop will often be larger, which is the primary advantage of choosing that route instead of purchasing a desktop computer. This will be more suitable for work, as opposed to a notebook, which is often just used for doing minor activities and perusing the internet. If you spend most of your day staring at a screen, it's in your best interest to make the screen as big as possible.

A complete laptop, as opposed to a more affordable notebook computer, would often have a battery life that is far longer, making this yet another compelling argument in favor of purchasing a full laptop. This implies that you will need to charge it less, and once it is charged, it will last longer for you as well.

Your laptop's processing power and memory are also important factors since their combination enables it to handle bigger software applications with much greater ease. In general, laptops have stronger connectivity than desktop computers, both in terms of wifi and other types of connections.

They are going to be the superior option out of the two for the vast majority of people. There are certain situations in which it makes sense to go with a notebook instead of a desktop computer, such as when mobility is the most crucial factor for the user. You will, however, have to make concessions in certain other aspects since the size and weight will be more convenient for bringing with you if you choose this option.

Should I go out and get a notebook?

If you are thinking about buying a notebook, then this could be a good idea for you. For some individuals, this is a good idea. However, the answer to that question is very dependent on the purpose for which you want to utilize it.

Because notebooks often have displays that are on the smaller side, they are not ideal for those who typically work on their laptop. The fact that they can be carried about easily is one of the primary distinctions that set a laptop apart from a notebook computer.

However, the tiny displays are not conducive to working for extended periods of time, and the setup, as well as the size of the keyboard, might be problematic when you are trying to type. Notebook computers are not often designed to meet the requirements of business professionals who find themselves using their laptops frequently.

If you are searching for something low-cost for a youngster to utilize, notebooks are an excellent option to consider. They will have access to every feature that a laptop has to offer but without the expense or bulk.

Since notebooks aren't normally very powerful, you might also consider getting one if you're looking for something that you'll just use sometimes to surf the internet. This is another scenario in which a notebook may be an appropriate choice.


All things considered, this makes it very simple to comprehend how a notebook is just a more compact variety than a laptop. In recent years, notebooks have actually seen a decline in popularity.

Instead, many individuals have chosen to get a tablet or even a laptop that can function as both a tablet and a laptop. A 2-in-1 laptop provides you with the flexibility of a tablet as well as the capability of a laptop, offering you the best of both worlds in a single device.

If we look into the future, we will soon have notebooks that have more power than standard-sized laptops while still having the same amount of power as a conventional laptop. Therefore, even if you do not believe that a laptop computer will have sufficient power for your needs, one day it will!

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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