Someone Asks: Why Is My Tablet Running Slow?

 The number of people using tablets is always climbing to new heights. The fact that they are user-friendly, handy, portable, and, most importantly, incredibly responsive is undoubtedly the primary factor behind this phenomenon. 

It is a clever present idea to get a student a tablet computer since it is so simple to bring one of these devices along to class with you.

But if you've had a tablet for a time, you could notice that it begins to get less responsive after a while and question yourself "why is my tablet running slow? What happened?!". It is very common for something like this to occur with any gadget throughout the course of the period that you possess it.

You are fortunate in that you do not have to make anything with a slow tablet for the rest of your life since there are a few things that you can do to make your tablet function as if it were purchased yesterday.

Here are quick and easy methods to speed up a sluggish tablet right now

You may speed up your tablet in a variety of ways, each of which will need varying degrees of effort and will be easier or more difficult to implement depending on your preferences. However, you should have no trouble carrying out any of these tasks very instantly.

First, we'll take a look at the things you can do very fast that can make a difference, and then we'll examine other alternative solutions that can be implemented over a longer period of time.

The tablet needs a restart.

Even though it's fairly easy to do, many individuals use their tablets for weeks or even months at a time without really putting them down to rest.

In addition, if you notice that your tablet is running a bit more slowly than normal, it is a good idea to power it off and give it some time to reset before using it again. 

Consider all of the browsers, applications, and tabs that you currently have open and how they could be affecting the performance of your device.

When you switch off your device, you are essentially providing it with a break so that it may shut down and unload all of the apps that are currently executing inside its memory. Rebooting your machine on a regular basis will ensure that everything continues to function without any hiccups.

Get rid of some of the applications you have.

The easiest approach to possibly make a visible difference in the performance of your tablet is to delete all of the applications that you aren't actually utilizing at this point in time. The basic rule is that the more applications you have installed on your tablet, the slower its performance will be.

This is particularly important to keep in mind if you use a tablet that has a limited amount of storage space. Although tablets are designed to make use of the applications that we put onto them, the better your tablet will operate the fewer programs you have installed on it.

There are a few applications that use much more storage space than the others combined. When it comes to this particular issue, the Facebook app is perhaps the worst offender, particularly if you also have Messenger installed on your device.

In some circumstances, you could decide that none of the applications that you've downloaded onto your smartphone should be removed. This is good as well, and there are various methods by which we may speed up our tablet.

Perform some deep app-cleaning

The applications on your tablet are one item that may be deleted, but that isn't the only thing you should be thinking about removing. Your tablet may operate more slowly as a result of the other material stored on it, like your images, movies, saved games, and browser data, all of which add to the slowness.

You don't even have to get rid of all of this data if you don't want to; as an alternative, you may want to think about transferring everything from the storage on your tablet to an external storage option.

The clearest illustration of this is Google Drive, which can store all of your papers as well as bigger files, so assisting in the acceleration of your tablet.

You have the ability to delete not just your applications and files but also your cache, so make sure you take advantage of that. This will delete all of the temporary files that have been stored on your device, and the option to do so is often located inside the settings of your device.

If you're feeling bold, you may want to try resetting your smartphone all the way back to the factory settings. Because of this, you will be responsible for ensuring that all of your data and files are backed up and kept in a separate location.

But if you don't want to put in a lot of work, this is definitely the easiest and most reliable approach to make your tablet run faster.

Take off the widgets and get rid of the notifications

I have the same level of enthusiasm for widgets as the next person. Navigation is made noticeably less difficult as a result of their presence. However, they also have the potential to make your tablet less responsive. If you want a quicker tablet, one of the first things you should consider doing is removing the widgets.

If you are often bombarded with alerts, you may want to consider disabling this feature altogether. This is particularly the case if you are receiving alerts for applications that you do not even need to stay current on.

Last but not least, make sure that you have terminated any and all applications that were operating in the background. Your tablet's memory is forced to do increasingly complex tasks the more applications you have open and running on it at the same time.

Get yourself a large SD card

You should consider purchasing an SD card if you are very certain about not erasing anything from your iPad. You can transfer some of the tablet's apps and data to the card, which will hopefully clear up some space on the tablet itself and make it run a little bit more quickly.

Even if using an SD card is a fantastic concept, if the card is rather outdated, its read and write rates may be quite sluggish. This indicates that while it is working with your tablet, it is functioning at a very sluggish rate, and it may take some time for the two devices to connect to one another.

Given the circumstances, investing in an SD card with a higher transfer speed might prove to be a wise decision. It may feature a larger quantity of memory, allowing for more storage space, as well as a quicker speed, allowing you to operate with your tablet in a little more efficient manner.

Try running your tablet on safe mode

Launching your tablet in safe mode is one method you may use to investigate the cause of the issue and attempt to pinpoint its location. After you have turned off your tablet by keeping the Power off button in place while swiping, the Reboot to Safe Mode option should show up on your screen whether you are using an Android device or a Samsung Galaxy Tab to carry out these steps.

What this does is simply start up your tablet with the bare bones of what is required, often known as the minimum that is necessary. Because of this, none of the applications or programs that you have put onto your tablet will launch, and it will only load the absolutely necessary components.

It is the most effective method for determining whether or not a particular application is to blame for an issue, which is often the case. If the processing power of your tablet is low, then this information may be helpful in determining the underlying problem.

Ensure getting a fast connection

It is essential to determine if the sluggish performance of your tablet is caused by the tablet itself or by its connection to the internet. It is in your best interest to turn off your connection to the internet and use your tablet to see if you can identify which of the two possibilities is more likely.

In the event that you discover that you are experiencing connection issues, you can often remedy this problem by just resetting the home wifi hub that you are using. This will cause the memory to be cleared, and it should then be possible for you to attach the battery.

After you have finished doing this, go over to Google and do a speed test on your internet connection. You will be able to check both your download speed and your upload speed. 

If your upload speed is really sluggish, this may create problems connecting to other people online, such as via video calls.

Check that everything has been brought up to date.

The updates that are required to be downloaded onto your tablet are not just for the purpose of making using it a more secure experience for you. 

It is essential for the functioning of your tablet that you always use the most recent version of the software. Your tablet's performance will improve in direct proportion to the date and severity of the most recent upgrade.

Some consumers are hesitant to download an update because they believe it might potentially break their system. Even while it is possible, it is actually more probable that you will have some kind of issue if you do not upgrade your tablet for an extended period of time. This is because you will be using an outdated version of the operating system on your tablet.

The good news is that you can often do this task in less than two minutes by navigating to the settings of your device. You should not only do a straightforward software update, but you should also scan through all of your applications and update those that need it.

Conclusion regarding "Why Is My Tablet Running Slow?"

Tablets are intended to provide relief from the confines of the screen on your smartphone as well as the monotony of typing on a laptop, so using one shouldn't seem like a job. In fact, using a tablet should be an enjoyable experience.

When you attempt to use your tablet, however, if it is sluggish, has lagged, or constantly freezing upon you, this may be a frustrating experience. The good news is that there are a few things that you can attempt in order to speed it up and make a sluggish tablet quicker than it was in the past.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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