How To Get More Twitter Followers Free Without Following?

 If you are one of the almost 300 million people who use Twitter on a regular basis, you have almost undoubtedly pondered the question of How To Get More Twitter Followers Free Without Following.

Unfortuitously, however, many of the tried-and-true ways for obtaining new followers entail a significant amount of perseverance as well as certain tactics that are considered to be spammy.

It's time for you to embrace Twitter Ads and start working smart, not hard, if you're the kind of person who, like me, doesn't want to spend two hours a day reading your news feed and interacting with strange people on the other side of the nation.

The conventional approaches to doing it

A quick search on Google may provide you with a variety of strategies that, if implemented effectively, can assist you in increasing your exposure on Twitter and, as a result, your following there. 

However, many of these strategies need a substantial amount of work, and it may be weeks, months, or even years before you begin to see big returns in terms of the number of followers you get. 

Here are some examples of conventional techniques to attract more followers, along with some of the problems associated with such methods:

1- Use hashtags. This one is relatively straightforward to carry out. It is important to bear in mind, however, that participating in a worldwide discourse does not always result in new followers.

2- Request that others retweet your post. Oh, for the love of mercy.

3- Send out tweets often and at appropriate periods throughout the day. This choice is not going to be appealing to you if you are not the kind of person who wants to spend hours upon hours on Twitter each and every day. You may also control the distribution of your tweets by using the Buffer app; but, in order to do so, your Buffer pipeline will need to be constantly populated with tweets. Not going to happen.

4- Make an effort to get the support of well-known individuals. This would include bombarding a more notable individual on a daily basis with @messages in an attempt to get their attention. It is a pathetic attempt to get people's attention and is spammy beyond belief.

5- Create tweets that are entertaining, humorous, or that provoke thinking. Easier said than done. This is exceedingly difficult to duplicate consistently with just 140 characters, particularly if the person in question does not have natural writing ability, the willingness to be emotionally vulnerable in a public arena, or a strong sense of humor.

6- You may locate individuals to follow by using keywords. The phrase "people to follow" is what's most important here. This does not necessarily indicate that they will come after you again. If you aren't excellent at the first thing I listed (above), they very likely won't.

7- Follow individuals who have interests that are similar to yours, and then follow the people who follow those people. Be my guest if you want to be that person that follows thirty thousand people but only has five hundred people following them back. I won't stop you.

8- Follow Twitter Spaces and be present when they talk about related topics and subjects.

With Twitter Ads, you may get more followers without doing much of anything at all.

There has been a lot of uncertainty over the overall success of Twitter Ad Campaigns, despite the fact that they seem to be easy to set up and put into action. I made the decision to promote a tweet that would provide practically no value to the audience that it was aimed at so that I could evaluate its effectiveness.

In addition, there was no call to action included in it. My train of thinking was that if one campaign was effective, then another effort, even one with some planning behind it, might also be successful.

The underdog campaign that ultimately prevailed.

Customers belonging to the following six interest groups were the focus of my tweet: marketing, small business, leadership, entrepreneurship, and nonprofit organizations. This mini-campaign was started on February 27 with an estimated potential reach of 1.7 million people. The entire budget for the campaign was $25, and the highest price was just 40 cents per new follower (the recommended offer was $2.50-3.50). The chances of success were quite low.

After around 33 days and 20,000 impressions, my budget had reached its limit, and the campaign came to an end as a result. During that time period, I did not make any changes to any of the campaign's criteria. 

My tweet was seen 921 times and resulted in 14 retweets, 23 likes, and two reactions. I was able to obtain 112 new followers for the price of $25, which works out to an average of 22 cents per follower.

The best part is that there was no labor involved in the advertising campaign other than the five minutes it took me to set up the parameters. Not too shabby!

Don't work hard, work wisely

Advertising campaigns on Twitter may not be the best choice for every individual or company, but they definitely have the potential to be efficient and cost-effective when it comes to getting awareness, boosting interaction, and expanding a user base. 

If you are considering ways to expand your social media audience in the near future, I highly recommend that you give careful consideration to running an advertising campaign on Twitter; I am certain that it will be at least as effective as mine was.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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