What Does The Yellow Heart Mean On Snapchat?

 With a single snap, you can communicate a great deal, and that is the beauty of Snapchat. You can capture quick images or short videos, edit them with captions and filters, and then send them to as many friends as you want using the app.

Furthermore, because your Snaps are automatically removed after 24 hours, Snapchat interactions are more spontaneous than those on other social media platforms, according to the company.

However, spontaneity may not always imply simplicity. In spite of the fact that you can send Snaps with only a few clicks, Snapchat's UI, which includes the numerous emoji and symbols it utilizes to indicate various actions, isn't nearly that intuitive. 

You might be perplexed about what those colorful hearts next to your friends' names imply, and we're here to clarify things for you. What every icon and symbol on Snapchat represents is as follows.

Snapchat emoticons

In your friends' list, the emoticons that appear next to the names of your friends aren't chosen at random; instead, they express something particular about your friendship. 

Here's what each one implies in plain English:

Red Heart: You've been my #1 best friend for two weeks, therefore you get a red heart.

Gold Heart: with a gold heart, you and your buddy are the #1 best friends in the world, which means you've sent the most Snaps to them and they've sent the most Snaps back to you. You can have additional best friends, but Snapchat's love emojis are only available to your very best friends, based on how many messages you exchange back and forth between them.

Grimacing face: You and your best friend have a #1 best friend, which means that you and your friend send the majority of your communications to the same individual.

Pink Hearts: You and your #1 best friend have been together for two months.

Sunglasses Face: Because you both have the best buddy in common, you also have a close friend in common.

Smiling face: with a grin on his face, he says, "You're best friends, but not #1 best friends." You can have up to eight greatest friends, so you'll see smiley faces next to the names of the eight people to whom you've sent the most messages.

Hourglass: When the hourglass symbol appears, it means that your Snapstreak is nearing its conclusion, and you must act quickly to keep your fire emoji alive.

Fire: You've been on a Snapstreak for a while! The fire emoji will appear next to the number of consecutive days you've sent Snaps to this buddy, indicating how often you've done so.

Don't like the default emoticon? You can change it. It's possible to modify the majority of them to anything you like. To make changes to your buddy emoji, simply follow these steps:

  • To access your profile, click on the profile icon in the upper left corner.
  • To access the Settings menu, use the gear symbol in the upper right corner.
  • Scroll down and pick Manage from the Additional Services drop-down menu.
  • Select Friend Emojis from the drop-down menu and select a custom emoji for each friend's status to utilize.

How about purple boxes that show up right next to my friends' names?

The sign of your friend's zodiac sign will appear as a purple box if they have registered their birthday into Snapchat — however, the appearance may vary based on the system you are using. Providing you understand what you're looking at, these icons can give you an indication of when someone's birthday is, even if you don't know the precise day on which they were born. If it happens to be your friend's birthday, a birthday cake emoji will appear alongside it.

The signs of the zodiac are represented by the symbols above, which are read from left to right and top to bottom: Aries (March 21 – April 19), Taurus (April 20 – May 20), Gemini (May 21 – June 20), Cancer (June 21 – July 22), ### (July 23 – Aug 22), Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22), Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22), Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21), Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21), Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19), Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18), and Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20).

Message status icons

Snapchat also features color-coded symbols that offer you an overview of your messaging status at a glance – as long as you understand what each indicator represents. The indicators seen above will appear on your Friends panel, showing the current state of the most recent Snap or Chat you've sent out to them. They are, in order, from left to right:

  • You sent a Snap without audio to this buddy, as shown by the solid red arrow.
  • Your buddy opened your Snap without playing any audio, as shown by the red arrow.
  • This buddy gave you a Snap without audio in the color red solid square.
  • You saw a Snap without hearing any audio from this buddy, which is indicated by the red blank square.
  • Double empty arrows in red are used to indicate: This friend captured a snapshot of a Snap sans audio and shared it with me.
  • A red circle with an arrowhead denotes the following: This friend recorded a Snap and then played it back without audio.
  • Purple solid arrow: You have sent a Snap message to this buddy that includes audio.
  • Your buddy accessed your Snap with audio by clicking on the purple empty arrow.
  • Purple solid square (with a border): This buddy sent you a Snap message that included audio.
  • You viewed a Snap with audio from this buddy, which is indicated by the purple blank square.
  • Purple double unfilled arrows indicate the following: This friend captured a snapshot of a Snap with audio and shared it with me.
  • a purple circle with an arrowhead indicating: This friend recorded and played back a Snap with audio.
  • You have sent a Chat message to this buddy, as indicated by the solid blue arrow.
  • Your buddy has opened your Chat message, as shown by the blue empty arrow.
  • A blue solid square indicates that a Chat message has been sent to you by a buddy.
  • You have read a Chat message from this buddy, shown by the blue empty square.
  • Double empty arrows in blue are used to indicate: One of my friends grabbed a screenshot of a message on Chat.
  • It is possible that you are sending your Snap to someone who has not yet accepted your friend request if you see a gray solid arrow in your Snap notification.
  • Unfilled gray square (gray): It's possible that a Snap or Chat message has been pending and has expired.

Story icons

A photo or video you upload to a story (or feed) is typically visible to all of your friends, who can then share your story with their own friends. Snapchat also allows you to share a private story with only your friends, who can only view it and not contribute to it. This feature is available in the Snapchat app. You will be able to tell whether you are seeing a private tale since it will have a lock symbol on it. 

When the stories are laid out on your Discover tab, you will notice a lock at the bottom of each private story that you have selected. The top left corner of the screen will have a little lock on it if you are viewing them in a sequential manner. In addition, you have no way of knowing who else has access to a person's private tale, and you are unable to publish another person's private narrative or view or alter their viewers.

Similar to Instagram, Snapchat allows you to share stories with a chosen group of friends who may then contribute to them as a personalized tale. If you are seeing a personalized narrative, you will be able to tell since it will have a multi-person symbol. 

When tales are set up on your Discover page, you'll notice three dots at the bottom of each personalized story that you've created. The three dots on the top left of the screen indicate that you are viewing them in sequence. A contributor to your custom story has the ability to view the content posted by other contributors and to post their own content, but they do not have the ability to add or remove friends from the story.

Emoji for a verified account

Unlike Twitter, where a verified account is indicated by a checkmark, Snapchat indicates a verified account by using a custom icon. If you see an emoji next to a story, it means that the person who posted it has been verified, which means that they are who they say they are on social media. This is often reserved for high-profile individuals.

A crescent moon emoji appears next to Ariana Grande's username, and a flexing biceps emoji appears next to Arnold Schwarzenegger's username, among other celebrities. Despite the fact that they seem different, both of these emojis indicate that the account has been validated.

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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