How to Modify Blogger Profile Image in 3 Steps?

  Due to Google+'s impending demise in 2019, bloggers will be unable to connect their Google Plus profiles to As a result, you should change your Google+ profile to a Blogger profile. Today's post will teach you how to modify, edit, and switch your Blogger profile image.

Here are the steps you need to follow to change your Blogger profile picture:

1- When you're in Blogger, click on "Settings" and then "User Profile." at the end of the page as shown:

Viewing how to change blogger profile photo
Viewing how to change blogger profile photo

2- Scroll down to the Profile Photo section, then click on "Choose Photo" if you want to upload it from your computer.

3- In case you have a link to your desired photo, you can add its link to the field below as shown in the following picture.

Customize your blogger profile - Changing blogger profile photo
Customize your blogger profile - Changing blogger profile photo

About Kitabato

I am a professional writer and blogger. I share other bloggers thoughts and articles in my own way.


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